How to Do the Nationality Challenge on TikTok?

How to Do the Nationality Challenge on TikTok?

TikTok is the world’s largest short video app with many users. As of June 2018, the app has more than 200 million monthly active users and 40 million daily active users. If you are interested in learning how to do the Nationality Challenge on TikTok or want ideas for how to do it, this article will be helpful.

What is the Nationality Challenge?

The Nationality Challenge is where people record themselves saying the name of their country and then say what language they speak. The challenge then asks them to do it in a different accent, as if they were another nationality.

What is the goal of the Nationality Challenge?

The goal of the Nationality Challenge on TikTok is to guess which nation someone is from by their appearance. It’s a fun and easy game that you can play with your friends.

If you want to learn how follow these steps:

  1. Open up TikTok and search for the hashtag #nationalitychallenge.
  2. Tap on any video that has this hashtag in it, and watch it.
  3. As you watch the video, try guessing which country they are from based on their speech, appearance, or accent. If there are no accents or speech, then just pick one based on their appearance.
  4. Once you have guessed correctly, tap on the “heart” at the bottom of the screen and let your friend know that you guessed correctly!

Who can participate in the Nationality Challenge?

The Nationality Challenge is a new app challenge on TikTok. It is similar to the viral ice bucket challenge, but with different consequences. The challenge requires people to do an activity from another country, then post it on their account and nominate two other users to participate.

The challenge is open to everyone, but some of the activities might not be allowed for some regions due to safety restrictions. For example, in countries where you are not allowed to drink alcohol, people will instead do something like eating food that they either cannot find or are not used to in their country.

How to do the Nationality Challenge on TikTok

The Nationality Challenge is a popular challenge on TikTok. It is a simple app to use and can be done by just about anyone. To do the Nationality Challenge, you must first download the TikTok app from your app store. Once you have downloaded it, open it up and find “Nationality Challenge” in the search bar at the bottom of your screen. You will see a few different nationality challenges that you can do, so pick whichever one you want to try out! Once you select your challenge (e.g., “Chinese”), it will show two videos featuring people doing said challenge and then instructs you how to do it yourself.

After selecting which challenge to do, click on the video that most closely matches your nationality and follow its instructions. Most of the time they will tell you what song to play while others give directions on what movements to make with your hands or body language. You can also watch other people’s videos for inspiration or ideas on what moves or mannerisms to use. When deciding which challenge to do, keep in mind that there are many different genres of nationality challenges available for any nationality — including famous actors/actresses, singers/groups, artists/painters, movie scenes, and more!

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Create a new account on TikTok

The first step to doing the Nationality Challenge on TikTok is creating a new account. To do this, you’ll need a phone and an email that you don’t use for anything else. Once you have those two things, it’s time to download the app from your phone’s app store.

Find a video to watch and tap “subscribe”

The first step is to find a video to watch and tap “Subscribe.” A good way to find videos is to search for things like “nationality challenge,” “country challenge,” “nationality lip-sync,” or “nationality lip-sync battle.”

Once you have a video that has the nationality challenge, you need to tap on it and then tap “Subscribe.” This will automatically subscribe you to notifications from this account on your app.

Once the video is done loading, you can swipe up and down on the video screen to cycle through different nationalities/countries in order of popularity.

To do the Nationality Challenge on TikTok, click on a country from where ever you are currently located. For example, if you are in France, click “France” for the challenge.

  • Next, select a nationality/country from among the options provided by TikTok with the icon of a person at its center (e.g., French).
  • Next, select an accent for that country that sounds similar to yours or choose not to change it at all if possible.
  • Finally, record yourself doing something characteristic of your nationality and upload it as part of your video response on TikTok!

Search for videos with your desired nationality

The first step is to search for videos with your desired nationality. This will allow you to see others’ versions of the Nationality Challenge and get ideas.

So you’ve created an account on TikTok and you know how to do the Nationality Challenge. What now?

Now it’s time to start exploring the platform and finding some people to follow. This is where you can get your first glimpse of the culture that you’ve chosen to explore. It’s also a great way to find people who share your interests and connect with them. And when you find someone you like, don’t forget to “heart” their videos!

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