How to Remove a Website from Google Search Results

How to Remove a Website from Google Search Results

A search engine’s ranking algorithm is a complicated system that is constantly evolving. Therefore, a website’s ranking can change often and without warning. If a search engine decides that your site isn’t playing by the rules, it can be removed from search results entirely.

This article covers everything you need to know about removing a website from Google Search Results. After reading it, you will know how to remove a website from Google Search Results and permanently remove a website from a search engine’s results.

What is a website’s ranking in Google Search Results?

The ranking of a website in Google Search Results is determined by a site’s relevance to the search term and its importance in the search engine’s index. The more important the content on your site is to the search, the higher your site will rank in Google Search Results.

How to Remove a Website from Google Search Results?

Google Search Results determine a website’s ranking, so if they think the site isn’t playing by the rules, it can be removed from search results entirely. There are two ways to remove a Website from Google Search Results

  • one is to contact them directly and request that they remove it (which may or may not work)
  • and the other is to use a NoIndex meta tag.

There are pros and cons to both methods of removing your site from Google Search Results. Contacting Google will send an email on behalf of your site but could take up to 39 days for the change to happen. It’s also possible for the request for removal to be denied. The other way is to use a NoIndex meta tag which takes less than 5 minutes and guarantees that Google won’t crawl your site anymore. However, this method does have limitations as some sites refuse to crawl pages with noindex tags in order to discourage spam from being added there.

The choice between these two methods will depend on what you’re trying to achieve with your digital marketing project and how many resources you wish to put into it.

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How Long Does a Website Remain Removed From Google Search Results?

Removing a website from Google Search Results is not the same as removing it from the internet. A website can stay removed from search engine results for months and even years. The website will still be online, and people can still see it without using a search engine to find it. If you want to permanently remove a website from a search engine’s results, then you’ll need to pay an expert SEO company to do so, or use any of these methods:

  • Change the site’s name
  • Use paid advertising in order to get more relevant links
  • Submit new content on a regular basis
  • Build up social media presence
  • Reach out to third party sites, blogs, and forums

Manually Remove a Website From Google Search Results

The most common way to remove a website from Google Search Results is to do it manually. To do so, you need to remove the site from’s index. There are three steps you can take to do this:

  1. Remove or block all links pointing back to your site (e.g., removing the link from your blog or other websites).
  2. Delete all copies of the content on your site (e.g., delete everything on your website).
  3. Delete any software that might help revive your site in Google’s search results (e.g., software used for SEO).

Google Search Console: The Ultimate Guide

The search engines are constantly evolving their ranking algorithms. This means that a website’s ranking can change often and without warning. If the search engine decides that your site isn’t playing by the rules, it can be removed from the search results entirely.

It is important to know how to remove a website from Google Search Results in case you find your site has been penalized, or if you have accidentally violated any of Google’s guidelines. There are two ways to remove a website from Google Search Results: manual removal, which is temporary, and permanent removal.

Manual Removal

In order to manually remove a website from Google Search Results, you will need to submit a request to their team. To do this, you need to login into the Google Search Console and follow these steps:

  1. Select “More” in the left-hand navigation bar and click on “Search Traffic”, then select “Remove URL”.
  2. Type in the URL of your site and select “Remove”.
  3. Type in an optional message for Google explaining why your site should be removed or what changes you have made so they know what they need to do next time they review it.
  4. Click on “Submit”
  5. Receive a confirmation email with additional information about removing URLs from search engines.
  6. Check back periodically for results and upload new sitemap files as necessary!

More information: SEO company California


It’s never a good feeling when your website shows up in Google search results to all the wrong reasons. Whether you’ve been hacked, had a negative review posted about you, or just want to take a break from marketing for a while, there are ways to remove your website from Google search results. And the best part is that the process is surprisingly simple and straightforward.

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