Do you love setting goals? You know, those things you promise to achieve by some specific date in the future. Goals are an important part of goal-setting theory. They’re measurable objectives that support your vision and serve as a compass for your life. They’re also hard to implement and even harder to measure once they’re achieved. Working on long-term goals is all well and good, but what about those smaller, shorter term ones? After all, in order to reach our final destination we need to take lots of little steps along the way. So what are short term goals and how can they help you get where you want to go sooner? A short-term goal is an objective that can be completed within a year or less. It is measurable so that you know when it has been completed; it is also something that can be completed sooner rather than later. Read on to find out more…
A short term goal is any goal that is expected to be achieved in less than one year. It’s a kind of mini goal, if you like, that helps you prepare for the bigger picture. A short term goal might be something like “I’m going to apply for a promotion at work,” or “I’m going to lose 10 pounds by my birthday.”
They’re specific and measurable and they help you focus on what you need to do right now in order to achieve the bigger picture. Short term goals are great because they help you stay focused on the present. If you’re struggling to stay on track with your long term goals, setting some shorter term goals can be a great way to keep yourself accountable.
So why bother with short term goals? Can’t you just focus on the big picture? Well, yes, but there are some distinct advantages to setting smaller, more immediate goals. Here are a few of them:
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The first step in setting short term goals is to identify what you want to achieve in the short term. Take a look at your long term goals and start to break them down. What do you need to do to achieve those goals? What do you need to focus on right now in order to get where you want to go?
From the list of goals that you’ve identified, pick the one that is most important to you right now. Now ask yourself “When do I want to achieve this by?” Now, you don’t want to be too ambitious and promise yourself something that you can’t deliver. That said, you don’t want to be too conservative either. Nowadays we all seem to be in a rush, so setting a deadline and committing to it will help you stay motivated. It will also help you stay connected to your vision.
Once you’ve identified the goal that you want to achieve in the short term, commit to it. Make it real by writing it down and visualizing it. Tell your friends and family about your goals. That way, you’ll be more likely to remain accountable and also you’ll be able to share your excitement with others.
Setting goals is an important part of goal setting theory. It’s a measurable objective created to support your vision and help you prepare for your future. There are two types of goals – short term goals and long term goals. Short term goals are goals that can be completed within a year, whereas long term goals are those that take more than a year to complete. Now that you know what short term goals are, it’s time to get started setting some of your own. Start by identifying what you want to achieve in the short term, and decide on a deadline for your short term goal. Once you’ve done that, commit to your goal and start moving towards achieving it as soon as possible!
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